Tag Archive for: Google Fiber

Google Fiber Selects Huntsville to Test Milestone 20 Gig Internet Product Launch

Last fall, Dinni told you that I was testing our 20 Gig product in my home. Yes, I have the speed test to prove it, but to be honest, my household can’t really test the limits of what that much internet speed can do. We tried — we streamed as many World Cup games in […]

Google Fiber is Looking for Trusted Testers to Upgrade Fiber TV

If you’re a Fiber TV viewer, Google would like to talk with you. The company is looking for Huntsville residents to become “trusted testers” and try out its Google Fiber TV upgrade next month. “We believe the best TV is online,” Liz Hsu, Google’s director of Product Strategy, posted on her blog. “While many of […]

Google Fiber Brings 2 Gig Internet Service to Huntsville

It’s not unusual for Huntsville to be on the forefront of technology breakthroughs. And now, it’s Google Fiber’s 2 Gig service. With thousands of Huntsvillians working from home and students taking online classes, Google Fiber has announced that 2 Gig service is available in the Rocket City. In August, Google Fiber announced its plan to […]

Huntsville Chosen to Test Google Fiber’s 2-Gig Service

Google Fiber is looking for a few good people to test its new 2-Gig service. According to a blog from Google Fiber’s Amalia O’Sullivan, director of product management, the company is testing the service next month in Huntsville and Nashville. “Game changers, super users, and families who need more from their internet can join the Google […]

Midway Through the Mission: Making Huntsville a Gig City

Huntsville has never been the kind of place to wait around for technology to make its way here. Sure, in many ways, Huntsville is still a traditional Southern city with long, hot, sultry summers and a penchant for football rivalries and ice-cold beer. But make no mistake – Huntsville’s pluck and grit is writ in […]