
Ribbon-Cutting Held for ‘New’ BRC

Ribbon-cuttings aren’t unusual in Huntsville these days given the city’s growth.

But the company’s namesake and the local employees at Bevilacqua Research Corp. put a new twist on the standard photo opportunity.

There were no bulldozers filling the background, no shovels and hard hats for props on a hot June afternoon. This was about celebrating a leap forward of innovative technology for a company that has been in business for 27 years on Corporate Drive just off Wynn Drive near University Drive.

BRC CEO Dr. Andy Bevilacqua; BRC President/COO “Buck” Buchanan; Chamber Chair Kim Caudill Lewis; with Microwave Dave in background. (Photo by Steve Babin)

“It’s a new BRC,’’ said Dr. Andy Bevilacqua, who, like the other employees, was wearing a Bevilacqua Artificial Intelligence Pit Crew, shirt. “We’ve been a quiet company for so long, and we felt it was time to let everyone know who we are. We now have the patents to do it.’’

The Huntsville-Madison County Chamber of Commerce hosted the event. Chamber Chair Kimberly Caudill Lewis emceed with appearances by Harrison Diamond representing Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle and Tiffany Noel standing in for U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks.

BCR develops technology and engineering for the nation’s Department of Defense and NASA, among other federal agencies. BRC trumpets itself as a leader in research, development, test and evaluation in fields including: Artificial Intelligence (AI); human cognition and machine learning; cyber security; and intelligence and reconnaissance.

Dr. Bevilacqua said now that “three of four’’ patents have been secured BRC is seeking partners or investors. He stressed one endeavour in particular — a pair of glasses that can enhance cognitive processes.

“Some of the technology can literally change the world,’’ he said.