Tag Archive for: Mix 96.9

Sit Down With Success: A Conversation with Penny Nielsen of Mix 96.9

Sit Down With Success is a feature of the Huntsville Business Journal on entrepreneurs and their keys to success. This month’s individual is Penny Nielsen and his success with Mix 96.9.  If you’ve lived here for any amount of time, chances are you’ve heard Mix 96.9 (WRSA-FM). Featuring a variety of music from the 80s-now, […]

Independent Radio Voices Facing Budget Struggles to inform Listeners

If Wes Neighbors is reading the tea leaves correctly, independently owned local radio stations might have a bright future if the coronavirus doesn’t cause much more financial headache. Neighbors, a financial consultant by trade, owns 97.7 The Zone that carries sports talk and live events such as Auburn football, UAH basketball, and high school games. […]