Huntsville City Council approves 29 business items, accepts $2.7 million donation for John Hunt Park
The Huntsville City Council met at 5:30 p.m. on July 27 for its regular meeting, appointing several positions in advisory councils and boards, approving 29 business items, and accepting a $2.7 million donation for the construction of a skatepark.
- Resolutions appointing NiCarla Friend and Brian Webb to the Huntsville Police Citizens Advisory Council and reappointing Jonathan Rossow, Missy Hanks, and Shelly McCulley to their current seats at the HPCAC with terms ending in August 2027 passed.
- Phillip Bentley, Jr. was reappointed to the Health Care Authority of the City of Huntsville for a term expiring in August 2029.
- The resolution appointing Laura Forte to the Housing Board of Adjustments and Appeals to the seat passed. Forte’s term will end August 2028.
- The resolution appointing Sinead C. Lounmala to the Madison County Department of Human Resources Board passed.
The council passed a total of 28 business items in one motion, the readings of which were waived. The approved motions included a resolution authorizing Mayor Battle to enter a contract between the City of Huntsville and SJ&L General Contractor, L.L.C., for Goss Road Extension and Mass Grading and an amendment to the Budget Ordinance changing the authorized personnel strength.
A separate consideration was made for the acceptance of donations, which was also approved.
The Council introduced five new business items to be voted on at a later time: an Ordinance authorizing the issuance of a TIF Revenue Warrant, an Ordinance naming the soccer complex at John Hunt Park, the Loretta P. Spencer Sports Complex, an Ordinance declaring a property surplus authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Lease Agreement between the City of Huntsville and Lendon Commercial, LLC, and an Ordinance declaring a property surplus and to be donated to the Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering.
“I think the best summary is … revenues are up, expenses are down and that’s a really good picture for us to see,” summarized Penny Smith, City of Huntsville’s Director of Finance.
The City of Huntsville passed a resolution accepting a $2.7 million private donation for the construction of a skate park at John Hunt Park, the majority of which came from a single, anonymous donor.
“Well, it still is remarkable for somebody to step up and have the vision and the generosity to fund that. And I know I know the donor wishes to remain anonymous but needs to be recognized,” Smith said of the donation.
The Huntsville City Council meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. City Council meetings may be attended at the City Council Chambers or watched live on HSTV. For more information, please visit