VOTE NOW for The Best of Huntsville awards

VOTE NOW for The Best of Huntsville awards

It’s time to vote Huntsville!

It has been a full week since Event Magazine and the Huntsville Business Journal partnered up to announce an exciting joint venture between the two publications, and we want to hear directly from you!

Huntsville has consistently been ranked high in national awards over the past year, and we are partnering to extend the opportunity to our readers to tell us which businesses have helped shape our community’s growing image.

The Best of Huntsville 2023 provides the community with the opportunity to vote for your favorite businesses in our bustling North Alabama city. Topics include everything from Arts & Entertainment to Food & Drink.

Voting is still open, and will close at the end of the month on September 30th. The winners will be announced in print from both publications.

To cast your vote, please visit