Emily L. Santiago Blue Ink Closing and Title LLC OwnerAttorney

Emily L. Santiago – Blue Ink Closing and Title LLC – Owner/Attorney

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Emily Santiago was born in Russellville, AL. She received her Bachelors of Arts degree from Loyola University New Orleans in 2007 and her J.D. at the University of Alabama School of Law in 2010. She is the owner, title agent, and attorney of Blue Ink Closing and Title in Madison. Emily is deeply involved in the North Alabama community. She is a member of the Huntsville Bar Association, and member of the City of Madison Chamber of Commerce, a Board of Directors Affiliate Chair for HAAR, and a member of NALCOM

Where is your favorite place to kick back and relax in Huntsville? 

Domaine South

What is a fun fact about you?

I spent 6 weeks in Australia during law school participating in the International Summer Program between the University of Alabama School of Law and Australian National University.

What is the best part about working in Huntsville?

Compared to some other cities in Alabama, Huntsville has a diverse workforce in terms of culture, education, politics, and background. This allows for well-rounded companies that can operate globally, but still have a small town feel.

What is your best piece of advice for starting a career in Rocket City?

Don’t be afraid to reach out and talk to people that are already in the industry you want to join. You’ll be surprised to find out that professionals in that industry will not only answer your questions, but might also be willing to serve as mentors to help you grow and succeed.

What is your favorite work day jam?

Golden Oldies from 60’s