HTSI, DC Capital Form Strategic Partnership

Hill Technical Solutions has formed a strategic partnership with DC Capital Partners to enhance HTSI’s ability to expand its capabilities and customer base. Huntsville-based HTSI is a provider of systems engineering and integration, advanced technology development, systems architecture design and analysis, and hypersonic design and testing solutions for the Missile Defense Agency, Army, Navy and […]

Boeing Awarded $249M Modified Contract for Huntsville-Managed Missile Program

Boeing of Huntsville has been awarded a $249 million contract modification for the Ground-based Midcourse Defense System. Huntsville is the headquarters for Boeing’s Missile and Weapon Systems division and the company employs more than 3,000 people across the state. As prime contractor, Boeing designs, produces, integrates, tests and sustains all GMD components deployed across 15 […]

Huntsville/Madison County Chamber Hosting Virtual Empowering Women in Missile Defense Panel

The face of missile defense is changing as women in the community are increasingly leading missile defense teams. In order to achieve next-generation capabilities, it is vital to maintain discussions from a variety of approaches. On Wednesday, the Huntsville/Madison County Chamber is hosting a free virtual panel on “Empowering Women in Missile Defense.” The discussion […]

Moog Expands Huntsville Footprint with Regional Support Center

Another innovative technology company is expanding its presence in Huntsville.  Moog – the name rhymes with vogue – has opened a regional support center at 360F Quality Circle in Cummings Research Park West. The company cites the proximity to Redstone Arsenal and Marshall Space Flight Center as key to its long-term growth strategy to better […]

Still Serving Veterans Announces Board Members, Officers for 2020-2021

Still Serving Veterans has announced its officers and board members for 2020-2021. New board members are Mike Durant, Jenni Feld, Rich McAdams, Kris McGuire and Dr. David Traynor. “Each new board member is bringing not only their knowledge of the Huntsville community, but their own unique professional experience and skill set to Still Serving Veterans […]

Army Intercept Targets Using Northrop Grumman Technology Developed in Huntsville

When Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy visited Huntsville a few weeks ago, it was not to chop watercress. One of his stops was to thank Northrop Grumman’s Huntsville team for its success in developing the Integrated Battle Command System, a weapons system that will give U.S. troops a technological advantage over the enemy, anywhere […]

STRATCOM Commander: No Time for Delay to Modernize

 The commander of the United States Strategic Command stressed that time is of the essence in modernizing U.S. defense capabilities. Adm. Charles Richard highlighted the nation’s preparedness in the most recent session of the Tennessee Valley Corridor Virtual Summit Series. Some 400 government, industry, and education professionals from across the Tennessee Valley Corridor attended the […]

Davidson Receives Gold Boeing Performance Excellence Award

Davidson has received a 2019 Boeing Performance Excellence Award. The Boeing Co. issues the award annually to recognize suppliers who have achieved superior performance. Davidson maintained a Gold composite performance rating for each month of the 12-month performance period, from October 2018 to September 2019. This year, Davidson is one of only 62 suppliers to receive […]

U.S. Army Awards BAE Systems $179M for Next-Generation Missile Warning Systems

BAE Systems recently received $179 million in total awards from the Army as part of the Limited Interim Missile Warning System Quick Reaction Capability program. This award includes orders for the first two production lots and funding to enable fielding of the next-generation Missile Warning System. The MWS provides crews with advanced threat detection capabilities, […]

Boeing Awarded $150M Missile Defense Agency Contract

The Missile Defense Agency awarded Boeing a three-year, $150 million contract modification to produce four additional boost vehicles for the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system. GMD is the only defense program capable of protecting the entire U.S. homeland, including Alaska and Hawaii, against long-range ballistic missile attacks. As the prime contractor, Boeing designs, produces, integrates, tests and […]